It's Alive! Minnesota Center for Book Arts - The Bakken Museum

Artist Book: Eternal Light | A suddent light broke in upon me

Year of completion: 2016
Medium/Materials: Wood box; ilustrations and photography tranfered to canvas; Envellope and letters written by hand; chemical instrument; cotton yard, metal bottons; small book hand made.

Inspired on some chapters of Mary Selley´s book the idea od a female "bride" for Frankenstein, as it was his will, to have some one to "love", expresses not just the scientifc approach of the creation but also an emotional need to fulfill the complete task of a new beeing. But some questions remain, we can create the machine, we can invent even a new kind of living body, but can we invent love? Or is just this the eternal light we all want to reach... onde day... but that we will never be able to control?

Madame Zine

What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?

“From the midst of this darkness a sudden light broke in upon me—a light so brilliant and wondrous.”
Light reveals, illuminates, clarifies; it is essential for seeing, and seeing is the way to knowledge. Just as light can illuminate, however, so can it blind; pleasantly warm at moderate levels, it ignites dangerous flames at higher ones. Thus, light is balanced always by fire, the promise of new discovery by the danger of unpredictable—and perhaps tragic—consequences.

Exhibition: It's Alive! August 5, 2016 - October 31, 2016

Minnesota Center for Book Arts - The Bakken Museum